Sunday, January 27, 2008
5th/6th Grade Boys Basketball
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Let the Games Begin
Friday, January 18, 2008
Supporting the Team
- Respect volunteer status of the coach
- Exhibit good sportsmanship
- Have your child at practices and games on time
- Pickup your child from practices and games on time
- Assist with timekeeping, scorekeeping
- Assist with clean up
- Attend practices and games
- Monitor behavior of children on and off the court
- Cheer for all children
- Thank our young officials and treat them with respect
- Respect the school facilities at home and in other towns
- Be courteous when attending away games
Being a positive role model to your children is very important to your child's enjoyment of the game and ensure success for future athletic endeavors.
Do you have a story or suggestion you would like to share about parent responsibilities?
Monday, January 14, 2008
What "Registration Deadline" means to me
Why do we have a deadline anyway. Well, some of the programs we offer, we really don't care if there are last minute registrations. When we have a program that is sufficiently filled we encourage more. The more the merrier! If a program does not fill and is canceled, that cancellation could have been avoided with earlier registrations.
Art classes, well, that's a no brainer. There are a lot of art supplies that need to be on hand and late registrations make it impossible for the art teacher to have the supplies needed for that late registar.
Now let's get into the big stuff. Basketball and baseball registrations. These are a couple of our big programs and they need a lot of organization. Uniforms need to be ordered, equipment needs to be bought, volunteer coaches need to be found, gyms need to be set up through the schools for practices and games need to be scheduled with other towns. By the time practices start, all this work has been done. It is very hard to have over 10 players on a team because each new player cuts down on play time of the other players who have signed up on time.
I guess my question would be what would be a good way for us to get the word to you about activities for your child? We are using email newsletter more and more and I really find them to be an efficient way to traffic information your way. Please, if you would like to receive our email letters, send us your email address and be sure to add our email to your address book so the newsletter won't get bounced.
As a parent, please be aware of activities and the deadline date for registrations. While I do have a hard time saying "no" to anyone, the extra players on a team can put a burden on the volunteer coaches and make it less fun for the other players. If you sign up earlier for these activities, more teams can be formed and more fun can be had for all!
Register early and register often!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Cross Country Day 1-9-08
Every year I worry about how much snow the Rio Grande will have for the after school Cross Country class. Every year we have plenty! I have some regulars signed up for the class with a couple of beginners. Amazingly we made it all the way out to the Roaring Fork Club with the beginners and had some fun on the first hill. Blair wore a skirt that reminded me of the old days when women skied in their long dress. Me, I prefer the warmth of modern technology in clothing. It was great to be back on the skis with the kids!