Monday, March 10, 2008

Basketball Tournaments

As the lights go out in the gyms, we wrap up another successful basketball season. Looking back I thought it was a fun season and I would like to hear from you what you would like to see happen for next year.

The 3/4 grade boys tournament was held here in Basalt. We played a quick round robin tournament with teams playing 10 minute games. It seemed the kids had a great time and played their best games that day. The parents also had an opportunity to get a little exercise with the teams having to switch around gyms.

We also had the opportunity to host the 5/6 grade boys tournament. We played a double elimination during last week with the final games being held on Sunday. I thought it was a good tournament with the Aspen boys taking first place. They played four hard games for five hours. They most certainly wanted that title. Congratulations to them.

The hardest part of tournaments is the crowds. Officiating is a tough way to make $20 bucks. Everybody sees it differently. At these ages I don't believe every foul needs to be called. I think it is important to let the game be played. If every foul is called the games would start to get long not only for the fans, but the kids would have a hard time maintaining any tempo.

Thanks to the parents, coaches, players, and my wonderful staff of officials for a great 2008 Instructional League Basketball!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Character and competitive sports

"Winning is important. It is demeaning to dismiss the importance of victory by saying “it’s only a game.” Trying to win is essential. Without the passionate pursuit of victory, much of the enjoyment as well as the educational and spiritual value of sports would be lost."

I found this on the Character Counts newsletter. We are teaching our children fundamentals of the games. We also need to teach them how to win graciously and how to lose with pride. Knowing that they did their best is the best they can do.

"Winning ethically is better. The best strategy to improve sports is not to de-emphasize winning but to more vigorously emphasize the honorable pursuit of victory. It’s one thing to be declared the winner; it’s quite another to truly win. Victories attained dishonorably are hollow and degrade the concept of sport."

"Ethics and sportsmanship are ground rules. Demonstrating and developing good character should never be subordinated to the desire to win. The vital lessons of sports are learned from competition itself rather than the outcome."

It is important to teach sportsmanship in competition. Winning by truly doing your best and following the rules is the best win of all.