Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tiny Tot Tennis

Always fun to watch these little guys on the tennis courts...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Summer Programs

OMG! Classes are filling up FAST. If you go to and see all these classes that are FULL, don't dispair. We are working hard to add a class here and there or increase the size. Sometimes we can do that, sometimes we can't, but it never hurts to put your name on a waiting list. You never know when someone will drop out and your name may be the very next on the list. Don't be too discouraged, we are here to make sure your child stays active this summer.

Don't forget, deadline to sign up for baseball, softball, or coach pitch is Friday, May 9! Teams are forming now!

K-2 After School Soccer - What A Gas!

Kindergarten Soccer is always fun to watch. This is the beginning of what could be a illustrious career as a successful soccer player.

1st and 2nd Grade Soccer players, these guys already have it all going on!