Friday, September 12, 2008

Fall Recreation and Rain Days

I think that fall is my favorite time of year. Not only is my birthday in the fall, but also it marks the close of a busy summer season and the beginning of the upcoming winter. For this skier, it is always a promising time. It would be hard to beat last winter's snow accumulation, but for me any day out on the skis, on or off piste, is a great day.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. With each day getting cooler also comes the rainy weather. The cool, rainy days that are just right for curling up with a good book, watching a football game or two and not have remorse for not being outside. Rainy days can be hard on after-school programs though and as we all know, in Colorado it is hard to make a call on the cancellation of an afternoon class. I could be getting soaked on one side of town and the other side of town is perfectly dry. What happens most of the time is the rain comes about 5 minutes before class, but usually subsides quickly. Yesterday's archery class we saw a good little soaker 10 minutes before class was over. We scrambled for cover and by the time equipment was put away and the students disbursed the rain was over. We do have a rain out hotline that I try to keep updated, 927-0523 x502. If a class is canceled in adequate time, I call the schools to make an announcement. We do try to make up classes that have been canceled due to weather.
If you have questions about whether a class has a rain out day, the best resource for you would be the rainout hotline number - 927-0523 x502.