Friday, December 7, 2007

The good old Evel Knievel days

Today's Aspen Times has a fun story about childhood risky rides while trying to imitate the number one risk-taker Evel Knievel. I am sure there are some of you out there that have your own childhood memory of setting up some pretty wild rides on your bike or motorcross bike. Let's all celebrate the life and times of Evel Knievel and share your stories here.

1 comment:

Basalt Rec said...

When I was 13 year old, my uncle gave me a Honda 90 Trailbike because he was worried his sons, who were older than me, would hurt themselve with it. We lived in a subdivision with development still going on. There were so many mounds of dirt, it was a motocross dream. I remember one particular time I was beginning to get the hang of the bike and decided I could hit this jump (a pile of dirt about 6 ft high) faster than I had in the past. I flew about 10 feet in the air and the bike, fortunately, flew about 2 feet further. I landed solidly on my butt, the bike's seat then landed in front of me and then the bike came crashing down ahead of me. Short of a few dents, the bike was was unharmed. Of course, I giggled, got back on the bike and took off. It was the beginning of my affection for getting my feet off solid ground.