Friday, December 7, 2007

The good old Evel Knievel days

Today's Aspen Times has a fun story about childhood risky rides while trying to imitate the number one risk-taker Evel Knievel. I am sure there are some of you out there that have your own childhood memory of setting up some pretty wild rides on your bike or motorcross bike. Let's all celebrate the life and times of Evel Knievel and share your stories here.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Professional Sports

An athlete cannot run with money in his pockets. He must run with hope in his heart
and dreams in his head.

-- Emil Zatopek, Czech Olympic runner (1922-2000)

Are professional atheletes good role models for our young athletes?

Monday, September 17, 2007

Great Quotation

The values learned on the playing field --
how to set goals, endure, take criticism and risks, become team players, use our beliefs, stay healthy, and deal with stress --
prepare us for life.

-- Donna de Varona, Olympic swimmer

Coaches and Players

"A coach can be the most important person in a kid’s life because he or she controls playing time, knowledge, and modeling. Because kids want to please them, coaches can reach children where no one else can, making them at times more effective than teachers, counselors, even parents."

How do you feel about parents coaching their child's team?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007